Avoiding Tax Return Identity Theft

Avoiding Tax Return Identity Theft

Now that tax-time is just around the corner, the IRS offers several warning signs that you may be a victim of tax-related identity theft and what to do about them: Your attempt to file your tax return electronically is rejected. You get a message saying a return with a duplicate Social Security number has been…
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Why Does The Media Prefer The Dow?

Chances are when you visit the doctor for a physical checkup, you go to a general practitioner.  You probably wouldn’t go to an ear, nose, and throat specialist.  Although the latter would have more expertise in those particular organs, it’s the broad view of your body that you’re looking to understand. Why isn’t it the…
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Politicians: Improve It, Don’t Eliminate It!

Suppose you have a hot water heater in your home that works only intermittently.  You go to your local Home Depot only to find that they won’t have a replacement model available for six months.  Would you wait until the replacement is available before removing the old unit, or would you immediately yank the defective…
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Does Rebalancing Really Work? Part 2

Ask any financial planner about rebalancing your investment portfolio and he or she will invariably tell you it’s a good thing.  Indeed, there’s a popular cant that goes something like “if you don’t rebalance your portfolio periodically, the market will do it for you.”  In 2015 I posted an article supporting rebalancing from a non-academic…
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Impact of Trump’s Fiduciary Rule Delay

President Trump today ordered that the Department of Labor’s Fiduciary Rule – scheduled to begin implementation on April 10th – be delayed pending a review by his administration.  What impact is this expected to have on consumers? Some background first.  When it came to providing investment advice prior to 2016, Registered Investment Advisors (aka RIAs,…
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Positive Economic News But…

According to the Federal Reserve’s most recent Beige Book – a collection of anecdotal information on current economic conditions in each of its 12 districts – the U.S. economy continues to strengthen.  Several districts reported a pickup in manufacturing, and the energy sector in particular was experiencing an uptick in employment for the first time…
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