It’s Lucrative To Be An American CEO

It’s Lucrative To Be An American CEO

Tesla shareholders recently voted to support a pay package worth $46 billion that the company board of directors had offered to chief executive officer Elon Musk last year. While that particular deal is orders of magnitude beyond any other pay package on the planet, the compensation that many big companies provide to their CEOs –…
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R.I.P. Daniel Kahneman

Daniel Kahneman (Danny to his friends) passed away last month at the age of 90. He was a psychologist and researcher who applied psychology to economic analysis with his close friend and collaborator Amos Tversky. The resultant field of behavioral economics has grown over the years to become an integral part of good financial planning.…
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Quitting Your Job? Be Aware Of COBRA

According to eHealth almost 50% of Americans receive subsidized group health insurance through their employer. Given the phenomenally complex health insurance marketplace one has to navigate these days, not to mention the cost, that’s a huge benefit. But what happens if you want to change employers? Thanks to the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (also…
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It’s A Dangerous World Out There

The U.S. Justice Department recently released the 2022 FBI Elder Fraud Report. It does not make for enjoyable reading. There were almost 90,000 victims of fraud over the age of 60 last year. And they lost in aggregate over $3.1 billion, an increase of 84% over 2021. What are some of the biggest scams and…
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A Major Banking Scandal Finally Ends

You may be familiar with the term “LIBOR.” It stands for the London Interbank Offering Rate, and had been used for decades by banks worldwide for interbank short-term lending and more popularly as the base rate in the U.S. for calculating the interest on a variety of personal loans. Well, it’s gone. As of July…
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In Memoriam: Harry Markowitz

Harry Markowitz died last month. You probably didn’t hear about it in the traditional media sources. They tend to limit their obituaries to entertainment and sports stars, politicians, and other well-known personalities. Yet I contend that Markowitz has had a much greater impact on your life than practically any of those others. Markowitz was the…
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