Best Place to Hold Your 529 Plan

Best Place to Hold Your 529 Plan

If you have a child, chances are someone in your family has set up a 529 college savings plan for him or her.  Most of the thinking involved in setting up a 529 plan revolves around which state’s plan to utilize.  Less thought is generally given as to who should own the plan, and the…
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The Ramifications of Burgeoning Student Debt

New college graduates these days face the same financial challenges that young workers have faced for the last several generations. As they enter the workforce there’s the cost of an apartment, perhaps a used car if public transportation is lacking, and of course their personal preferences for entertainment. At some point during their evolution they…
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Three Tips for Choosing a 529 College Savings Plan

Parents who want to save tax-free for their children’s college expenses are facing a growing array of choices.  As of the end of last year, according to a Morningstar report, there were over 80 tax-free 529 college savings plans offered by 48 states.  If you feel that a 529 plan is the best choice for…
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A New Way To Teach Children About Personal Finance

The President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability recently released Money as You Grow, a website that provides 20 essential, age-appropriate financial lessons—with corresponding family activities—that kids need to know as they grow.  Written in down-to-earth language for children and their families, Money as You Grow is intended to help parents equip kids with the knowledge…
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Is A College Degree Still Worth It?

The cost of higher education at both public and private colleges has grown 440% over the last twenty-five years, according to the National Center for Public Policy and Education. That’s nearly four times the rate of inflation and double the rate of increase of health care costs. Possibly as a consequence, total U.S. student loan…
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