Your Risk-Free Investments And Annuities Are Not As Risk-Free As You Think

Your Risk-Free Investments And Annuities Are Not As Risk-Free As You Think

Most investors know that investing in stocks is riskier than investing in bonds. And those who are exceptionally risk-averse tend to keep their money in CDs or money market funds. For safety in retirement, especially in the wake of the 2008 recession, more and more retirees have additionally been putting their money into annuities, which…
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When Rates Start Heading Upwards Is It Time To Bail Out Of Bonds?

For the last 30 years, beginning in the early 1980s, interest rates had been following a long-term downward trend, as can be seen in the chart below. Declining interest rates are good for bondholders – as rates drop, bond prices rise. Most economists predict that we are now entering a long period of rising bond…
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